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5 Human Foods Your Dog Can/Can’t Eat

August 3, 2017

As dog owners, we love to share with our pets. Sharing space (hello sofas!) and even sharing food. But as a pet parent, you likely wonder what human foods are okay to share with your pup and which aren’t.

Here are just a few. For a more complete list, here’s a great one from the Humane Society.


Some Nuts – Peanuts are okay. A healthier option if they are raw and unsalted. You can also give your dog cashews, but only a few at a time. These are fatty nuts and cause weight gain if too many are consumed.

Cheese – As long as your dog or can’t isn’t lactose intolerant, this is okay. But keep it in small amounts.

Chicken, Salmon and Turkey – All good, as long as it’s cooked. If you’re making some for yourself for dinner, you can definitely share a piece or two with your best friend. They’ll be most appreciative!

Eggs – Also okay, as long as the egg is cooked. Whether it’s a boiled egg or scrambled.

Peanut Butter – This is okay, but keep it limited. These are great for training (put some in a kong toy) or if you need to hide medication in it. But limit use


Some Nuts – Just say no to pecans, macadamia nuts and walnuts as they are highly toxic to dogs. Also, avoid almonds. While they aren’t toxic to dogs, they can block the esophagus if they aren’t chewed properly. And we know dogs often skip the chewing part of what they view as treats and just go straight to the swallow portion.

Chocolate – This is a big no no for dogs. Whether it’s regular chocolate or dark chocolate, your dog shouldn’t eat even the smallest amount. Chocolate contains a substance called methylxanthines which is incredibly toxic for pups. If your dog does eat chocolate, rush them to your vet for emergency care. They will need immediate treatment. If you suspect your dog may have ingested chocolate but aren’t sure, you can contact the Pet Poison Helpline for assistance first.

Grapes – Definitely not. Grapes – and raisins – are highly toxic for dogs. Do not give them to your pup under any circumstance. Here’s a list of symptoms from PetMD to look out for in case you suspect your dog may have eaten a grape or raisin.

Onions & Garlic – This may seem like an obvious no, but definitely never share anything made with onions with your dog. Same goes for herbs like garlic. For example, if you’re thinking of sharing some left over spaghetti sauce – definite no. Things like onions and garlic are not good for your pup, so skip it. According to the AKC, poisoning from garlic and onions may have delayed symptoms, so if you think your dog may have eaten some, monitor him or her for a few days, not just right after consumption.

Products Made with Xylitol – Xylitol is a sweetner used in many products as a sugar substitute. While it’s okay for humans – it’s incredibly toxic to dogs and the number of pet related deaths as a result has skyrocketed in recent years. Products which use these include sugar-free gum, candies, breath mints, pudding snacks, and children’s chewable or gummy vitamins and supplements. These products are often in easy reach of dogs – specifically sugar-free gum. Please be very aware of keeping these products away from your dog. Learn more about the very quick dangers of Xylitol here.

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